Hi friends, happy Wednesday! I’ve been getting a lot of questions popping in my inbox and on Instagram lately about moving to Chicago, meeting people in a new city, what I do for work, etc. so I thought I’d put together a Q&A post since that seems to have worked well for other bloggers. You ask, I answer. How does that sound?
If you’ve been following along with me for a while, you know I’m practically an open book, so this could get interesting! Seriously, ask me anything.
Feel free to leave your question(s) here in the comments or shoot me an email here or at jessica.zimlich@gmail.com if you want it to stay between you and I!
p/s Remember when my hair was this short?! This was taken almost two years ago! So crazy. I’m heading in for a much needed haircut this afternoon, but I think I’ll keep some of the length I’ve got going right now. 🙂
How much do you miss me? What are your tips for traveling alone? What books would you say something at 26 should read???
The Adored Life
A LOT, duhhhh!
What do you do for work? Do you blog full time? If so, how did you make that transition?
XO Helen – http://www.KaleidoscopeSpinning.com
Thank you so much for the thoughtful question! Working on this post now 🙂
What do you like to do for fun where you live? <3 Love you, Mom
Shoot I had a few more, sorry am I allowed more? What accomplishment are you most proud of? What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done? What is something that makes you the happiest? If you could learn one random skill what might it be? What is something most people do not know about you? What is one thing you wish people knew about you? Okay, that’s all… 😉