Mornings are tough for a lot of people, but over the years I’ve picked up on a few things that help me navigate them with ease and shockingly enough, actually enjoy them!I’m excited to be partnering with The Quaker Oats Company again to share three things I do each morning, no matter what.
I don’t hit the snooze button, ever. Alright, so perhaps this should have been titled, “Two Things I Do Each Morning and One Thing I Don’t,” but you get the gist. There are the occasional mornings where I set an alarm for an early morning run only to wake up feeling less than stellar. I allow myself to assess how I’m feeling and then decide if an extra hour of sleep (the amount of time is key here) or said run will be more beneficial both mentally and physically. It’s the typical nine minute snooze that used to leave me feeling groggy and out of it that I avoid like the plague.
I take five minutes to think about what I’m grateful for and what I hope to achieve in my day before my head hits the pillow again that night (a daily manifesto, if you will.) Doing this really helps to set the tone moving forward!I make sure I have breakfast options at the ready. Anyone else wake up starving? That’s me, every. single. day (I’m always thinking about my next meal, seriously). I like to have a variety of options on hand. Lately it’s been a combo of Quaker’s new Overnight Oats and two eggs! The Overnight Oats are made with 100% whole grain oats and other grains, which provide a good amount of dietary fiber (10 grams of fat or less per container), and you won’t find any artificial flavors or added colors.
There’s an early bird in each of us, but if you still haven’t found her, Quaker Oats has you covered – simply steep, sleep, eat, and repeat! And if you do happen to hit the snooze button, at least you won’t start the day hungry.
This post was sponsored by The Quaker Oats Company, but all opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that help make 26 and Not Counting the best it can be!
I never new that companies were making overnight oats containers now! So smart of them!! I am going to have to give them a try.
You will have to let me know what you think of them!