I’ve been ruminating about what I’ll remember when I look back on this season of life. In the day-to-day it’s really easy to fixate on the negative and the unknown, but when I think back to other times of distress, it was always *the little things,* often ordinary and seemingly simple, that got me through. Reminding myself of that (and reminding myself often) helps to keep me afloat.
I know the endless worry and debilitating anxiety that swirls around will begin to sink and eventually settle, allowing everything that is/was wholesome and pure to bubble up to the surface creating a layer of comfort and certainty. One that will remind us that we can and will make it through whatever hard thing life has planned for us next.

Pandemic-Friendly Fall Bucket List
Fall usually fills me with a desire to slow down after a busy summer, but things looked really different this year. My social calendar has been one cancelled show, trip, visit, event, etc. after another, as I know you all can relate. Even with that, I feel really grateful for all that I have been fortunate enough to do. But I’ve also found myself torn between taking it easy and getting back to a more structured routine and the desire to do what I’m able to while I still can with winter on the horizon.
I think the round-up below is a good balance of what i’m hoping to get out of this time. I’m looking forward to checking a few more things off my (pandemic) fall bucket list and hope you find some ideas for the days and weeks ahead, too!
If you do anything on this list, I hope you make your voice count. I’ll be casting my ballot in my Biden/Harris sweatshirt this week! (I went with the forest green in a size medium for a bigger fit and can’t say enough good things for the price!)
Hike at Starved Rock State Park
I finally made it out there with some friends a few weekends ago and we really lucked out with the weather and the turning of the leaves! We packed a lunch and had a parking lot picnic after a full day of exploring and it was just the thing. I got a few questions on Instagram about whether or not you need boots for the trail and you definitely don’t! I was just fine in my APL tennis shoes.
Walk along the Lincoln Park Nature Trail
If you can get out there while the trees are still a perfectly punchy red and vibrate orange, do it now! And even if you can’t, it’s still a great escape within the city no matter what time of year.
Leaf peep…everywhere!
I don’t know if it’s the fact that i’ve been more observant than ever this year (a welcome side effect of slowing down) or if Mother Nature just knows we’ve all been put through the ringer, but the leaves are extra bold right now!
Try the espresso martini flight on the roof of the Starbucks Reserve
I’ve never met an espresso martini I don’t like and i’ve still never been up on the roof of the Reserve. I have a feeling theirs will be great.
Watch The Haunting of Bly Manor (on Netflix) on a projector for a backyard or rooftop movie night
sPoOkY sEaSoN~* but also, i’m afraid to watch the rest alone so fingers crossed I can convince my friends to finish the series.
Sip a hot toddy around the fire pit at Park and Field
And don’t forget a cup of mac & cheese while you’re at it! One of my favorite patios to spend the evening reminiscing over red wine and a cheese plate, too, if that’s your thing.
Cookout for a Kansas City Chiefs game!
Make boozy Halloween treat bags to drop off with friends
Like adult trick-or-treating – see my IG stories highlight if you need ideas on where to start!
Try a new local coffee shop and order a festive fall drink
I recently had the “Not a Pumpkin Spice Latte”‘ from Ground Up Coffee and it blew my mind. Going to make it a weekly treat while it’s still around!
Decorate for fall
Last Friday my door buzzer rang and caught me by surprise as i wasn’t expecting anything. When i went downstairs, the most beautiful autumn blooms were waiting from me from Flowers for Dreams! I picked up a few pumpkins on my last Trader Joe’s run and they make my dining table such a happy place.
Bake pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting
By far the best recipe for something like this! The cake is super dense and the cream cheese frosting…o.m.g.
Taste test all the apple cider and pumpkin donuts around the city
Any favorites I should try?!
Plan a parking lot tailgate for a college football game
Celebrate the season with an at-home fall beer tasting
BYOB to share and find a new-to-you brew!
Enjoy a game night in
Cards Against Humanity and Bananagrams are always a hit, and you can’t go wrong with a college drinking game.
Make s’mores around a fire pit
Shop the Farmer’s Market
I think we’re getting down to the last few weekends here in Chicago, but hoping to pick up some fresh bread from one of my favorite local spots this Saturday! (Side note: since it’s made without preservatives, it goes bad super quick, so I usually freeze the majority of it and just pull it out by the slice as needed.)
Visit the Beer and Cider Garden at the Northam
Celebrate Friendsgiving
The thought of going the entire year without traveling back home to Kansas gives me a lump in the back of my throat unlike any other. So we aren’t going to talk about that. Instead, i’m hoping to get together with a small group of close friends over good food and drinks.
Visit The Forge Lemont Quarries
If you’re looking for something to do outdoors, this looks like a lot of fun! I’m not sure it’s in the cards for me this year since we’re already so late in the season.
I wish The Fields of Michigan tents hadn’t booked up for the season before I got to them!
By the looks of it, 2021 is filling up quickly too. Hoping next year allows for a few weekend getaways to similar spots!
I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to lately and any plans you have this fall!
You can see my past fall bucket lists here, here, and here. I also created a Fall stories highlight over on Instagram where i’ve been sharing more of my favorite things right now, so be sure to check that out too! If you need me, i’ll be making my way through this list in laid back layers.