Will you be my blog wife?

When Hallie suggested that we fall in love this week, I thought she was coming on a little strong. I’m in a relationship, you know. However, the girl knows her stuff so I went with it.

PIOL dress

Come to find out, she was referring to an article in the New York Times that discusses the theory that two people can fall in love by simply opening up themselves to vulnerability by way of questions. If you want the full rundown before we get started, you can find it here.

Hallie challenged us to answer some of the questions discussed in the article and I’m following her lead and addressing these to you guys, the readers of 26 and Not Counting! Are you ready?

Would you like to be famous? In what way? Sure, but not in the Taylor Swift being ambushed trying to get groceries kind of way. There are plenty of other ways to become well-known and recognizable – where one could fly a little farther under the radar, and I would be okay with that. As for what that might be, your guess is as good as mine.

PIOL dress

Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why? I have been known to give myself a pep talk before tackling a tough conversation, but I wouldn’t advise it. This results in a knot in my stomach, followed by a mild panic attack. Typically speaking, I work myself up for nothing and it’s not healthy.

When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else? I’ve been belting out this song any chance I can get. Pete got to hear my rendition on our morning commute yesterday and from the look on his face, he loved it.

If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want? My mind, for sure. Although it’s taken me years to finally feel comfortable in my own skin, it’s taken even longer to be comfortable with my own thoughts.

bow necklace

Name three things you and your partner readers appear to have in common. Much like Alanis back in the day, we don’t have it all figured out just yet and that’s okay. We are both learning that it’s okay to say “no” after we said yes to all the things over the course of last year. And we all come from a place of determination – I get a sense that we are on the brink of something wonderful!

For what in your life do you feel most grateful? My family. And friends who feel like family.

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be? I thought long and hard about this one. Days, actually. I want to have the ability to run without getting overheated. I know this probably sounds silly to most, but even a balmy 65 degrees can bring me to a halt and let me tell ya, it’s frustrating.

Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it? I hate being cryptic, but I’ve left myself no choice on the account of the ‘why’ which we will get to in a minute. I have a story to tell, lots of stories, actually. My reasoning behind exploring these stories comes from a place of selfishness, but also a longing to hear that someone else gets it. I haven’t done it for two reasons, one being that I’m afraid of how it will affect people that I love and the relationships I’ve been carefully piecing back together over the years. And two being the fact that I’m not exactly sure what capacity I want to share them in, or where to start for that matter.

What is the greatest accomplishment of your life? Learning to take care of my body.

bow necklace

What do you value most in a friendship relationship? (I changed the word, because it’s something I value in all of my relationships) I appreciate people who can gracefully accept no for an answer.

How do you feel about your relationship with your mother? My mom and I have the same hands. Just this week I was addressing a card and if I didn’t know any better, I would have mistaken it for her handwriting. I realize this isn’t what the question is asking but I thought it was interesting nevertheless. In a nutshell, our relationship is a work in progress and I love her very much.

If you were going to become a close friend with your partner readers, please share what would be important for him or her to know. I’ve encountered several instances where people insinuate that donuts are a fad, or a trend and I have to disagree. Donuts are life. And that’s pretty much all you need to know!

Pink Piol dress

Share with your partner readers an embarrassing moment in your life. I’ll save this for a rainy day. I’ve gotta keep you comin’ back somehow! 😉

When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself? I cried to my Dad over the phone on Christmas Eve day, does that count? And I lost it when I was laying in bed on Wednesday night and this little guy popped up on KC Pet Project’s news feed. People can be so cruel.

Tell your partner readers something that you like about them already. I like that you have goals and that you are willing to share them with me.

Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why? My planner, which is most likely sitting under my purse – so I’ll go ahead and grab that too. Call me crazy, but if I don’t write something down it’s simply not getting done. Not only would I not have a house, I’d be out a job!

Big wedding? Or small? Big enough for the people that we love to enjoy the day with us.

piol dress

Being that the most of us are only connected via the internet, a little transparency can go a long way. I feel closer already, what about you? I’m interested to hear what your answers might look like. Pick a question or two and share down in the comments, or feel free to tweet me!

If you’re longing to know what questions I skipped over, eat your heart out. Also, don’t forget to link up over on Hallie’s post if you end up sharing some of your own on your blog!

So, what do you say, will you be my blog wife?

*I can’t take credit for the term blog wife, it was coined by Jess and Kelly – a true match made in blog heaven.

In this post: PIOL dress c/o // Necklace, Rach B Jewelry for Sophia Reyes | Photos by One Sparrow Creative

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  1. Love these questions and so true that mutual vulnerability fosters closeness!

    Posted 1.16.15 Reply
  2. Love your honesty! And freakin’ love that adorable bar cart!!!!

    Posted 1.16.15 Reply
  3. Rachel wrote:

    This is such a fun post and I LOVE getting to know more about you. I must say I really connected with this answer: “I appreciate people who can gracefully accept no for an answer” and I totally agree. As I’ve become more involved in various areas of my life, I often don’t have as much time to be social. If you truly love and know me, you have to understand I’m working on making my dreams come true, which might mean seeing you once every other week instead of once a week. Anyway, great post! Adorable outfit!

    Posted 1.16.15 Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Thank you so much! Yes! It’s great to surround yourself with people who understand. I’m not saying always say no, but sometimes a gal just needs a night to herself with a good book 😉

      Posted 1.20.15 Reply
  4. Kari wrote:

    I’ll be your blog wife:) Love that term, and I do feel closer to you! It was fun learning more about you. Especially love what you said about donuts:) This is a great idea for a post!

    Posted 1.16.15 Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Woo woo! You may have to fight over me 😉 totally kidding…

      Posted 1.20.15 Reply
  5. I love personal posts like this! And that pompom garland on your barcart is seriously chic!

    Posted 1.16.15 Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      I’m so happy that you liked it, Rhiannon! Thanks for reading 🙂

      Posted 1.20.15 Reply
  6. SarahLagen wrote:

    Hhaha, I love this post! And I like to consider myself a blog wife or maybe flower girl (some place on that spectrum!) This post was really fun to read Jess, I loved learning some more in’s and out’s about you! Have a great weekend! Oh, and you look beautiful girlfriend!! 🙂

    Posted 1.16.15 Reply
  7. Megan wrote:

    Love this and that cart is adorable! Great post!


    Posted 1.16.15 Reply
  8. Katie wrote:

    Of course I will be your blog wife! I can’t believe it took you this long to ask. 🙂 I loved that essay and what an interesting concept that you can fall in love by creating vulnerability. Thanks for sharing your answers with us.

    Also, those photos are amazing. Everything about it is perfect! I want one of those adorable PIOL dresses! xo

    Posted 1.16.15 Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Haha, I know…what was I thinking?! 😉 Thank you so much! Sarah has been so much fun to work with. I need to up my camera skillz.

      Posted 1.20.15 Reply
  9. Jessica (What To Style) wrote:

    Very cool post! Lovely pictures! =)

    NEW POST on http://whattostyle.blogspot.com/

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    Posted 1.16.15 Reply
  10. Rachelle wrote:

    I loved reading you answers, I would to answer these on my blog. So I will save it for later.


    Posted 1.16.15 Reply
  11. What a great idea! I actually read that article in the NY Times and thought it was so interesting. Loved your answers!

    Posted 1.16.15 Reply
  12. Such a cute post. Also love that dress!



    Posted 1.19.15 Reply
  13. Great questions! Also, your pink dress is lovely!

    Posted 1.19.15 Reply
  14. Grace - The Stripe wrote:

    Loved reading your answers, Jess! And also, love your PIOL dress. I have the same one in red and the blush is just so pretty on you! xx Grace

    Posted 1.19.15 Reply
  15. Nicole wrote:

    I read this on Hallie’s blog too and just loved it! Really enjoyed seeing what questions you chose (I feel like that can be telling in itself) and hearing your answers! I hope we get to learn even more this year. Xx

    Posted 1.19.15 Reply
  16. Loved your honesty and answers, girl! So much fun to read. I found your blog through your comment on Hitha’s on the Go, and will definitely be stopping by regularly!

    Here’s my answers: http://www.atouchofteal.com/ny-times-study-36-questions-how-to-fall-in-love/

    Posted 1.19.15 Reply
  17. Katharine wrote:

    Love this post!!!!! What a fabulous idea and you look gorgeous! xx

    Posted 1.20.15 Reply
  18. Caitlin Fore wrote:

    I love this idea so much! And I couldn’t agree more when you said you have to be mutually vulnerable to foster closeness! So fun! I think I might have to do this!

    Posted 1.20.15 Reply
  19. Love, love, love this post! So fun reading your answers (and I can totally relate on grabbing the planner…that thing is my life line!). Also, how cute is this dress??!

    Posted 1.21.15 Reply
  20. noelani wrote:

    Ok, you need to stop being so cute! Love this post. What a clever way for your readers to get to know you! Love it!

    Posted 1.26.15 Reply
  21. Love reading this post. Thanks for sharing!

    Posted 2.18.15 Reply