I’m thankful.

I know it’s cliche to express thanks this time of year when I should be doing it year round, but at least it’s happening at all, right?

I made a little list of the things I’m thankful for right now (in no particular order):

My sister, Jordan. | Not only is she my sister, but she’s my best friend. I mean it when I say that I can’t imagine life on this earth without her. She’s the best gift my parents have ever given to me.

Pete. | I hit the jackpot in the boyfriend department. I’ve never met a more loving, supportive and hilarious man in my whole entire life. My week started off rough to say the least (sorry for skipping my usual Monday post) and sometimes you just need someone to hold you while you cry. I’m thankful that Pete doesn’t care when my salty tears get all over his nice work shirts.
Grandma Pam’s homemade macaroni and cheese. | Two words: life changing.

My boss. | I’m so thankful to be doing something that I enjoy and I couldn’t ask for a better person to work with. Tuesday rolled around and she knew I was having a tough go of it so she said call it a week and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. 
What are you thankful for this year? 
I’ll be back after the holiday weekend. Enjoy spending time with your friends and family!

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